Stacie Cassutt


Meeting every creative need

COPIC has three categories of refillable, ink-based tools: Ciao, Sketch, and Pen. I worked with the team at GHD Partners to concept and art direct the photoshoot for their printed sales materials. I implented the photos and designed sell sheets, infographics, and business cards for use at their US tradeshows.

Role: Art Director, Designer
Team: GHD Partners (CD), Annabelle Breakey (Photographer)

Your curated style universe

Role: Visual Designer
Team: Michelle Pais (CD), Shania Cheng (AD), Samantha Kim (Designer), Ashley Keily (Copy Writer)

Brand-level Communication

Wordmark and Brand Guide by Red Antler.

Almost Barely

I’m not a musician, I just make songs

The artist and I have developed a visual language from brand to album art rooted in rough-and-ready experimentation, nostalgic texture, and Bay Area-inspired motifs.




Drawing Aids and Prompts

Compris is a series of drawing aids that offer grids, tools and prompts to make the drawing process a more approachable method of self exploration. The name is inspired by the french
term meaning ‘understood; included, including’ in order to offer a sense of belonging on the page: “y compris soi-même.”
